Rukhsana’s Wellness Heavenly Retreat in Los Cabos
I love, approve and appreciate myself. I am perfect, whole and complete. I am an amazing light.
This is what I came away with after my morning meditation with Rukhsana Khan. Her Wellness Heavenly Retreat sits on what feels like the top of the world overlooking the Sea of Cortez framed by flowering gardens and welcoming tranquil spaces. After spending time with Rukhsana, you will take tools with you to learn to love yourself and love other people. Rukhsana will teach you techniques that you can carry with you for your life. She wants the world to be better – for us and for everybody. That’s her dream and she is inspired to mobilize us to make those dreams come true.
Rukhsana Kahn refers to Meditation as restful awareness. It is a technique, not a religion, where you unleash your thoughts and you are in a floating state of peace, tranquility and bliss. The idea is to find uninterrupted minutes each day to positively appreciate your body, your mind and your thoughts. Feel free to ask yourself questions that need answering: Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose? What am I grateful for? When you gently come out of your meditation, you will feel like you have conquered something great—and in a way, you have: yourself.
Rukhsana was born in Peshawar, Pakistan and from age 5-10, she learned from her grandmother everything she needed to know about how to create a meal using anything and everything they had available to them. Sadly, her childhood took a heartbreaking turn. She survived an honor killing after she had been accused of dishonoring her family. After her near death escape, her grandfather and uncle locked her away in her room, bolting the door and only allowing her out when she needed to help her grandmother with work. While locked in her room, though she did not know it at the time, Rukhsana began to meditate.
Not only did she survive this terrible ordeal, she is now a Ayurvedic body therapist certified by the California College of Ayurveda to perform the ancient techniques of Ayurvedic body treatments. She is a graduate of the Primordial Sound Meditation from the Chopra Center for Well-being (Deepak Chopra) and a Sivananda Yoga instructor for Hatha Yoga. She is also a certified esthetician and spa director.

Over the years, Rukhsana has obtained more than 45 certifications to demonstrate her dedication to providing services for the body, mind and spirit.
The Wellness Center offers week-long meditation retreats, primordial sound meditation courses, spa services, Ayurveda and Indian cooking classes. Every Sunday morning at 9:00, there is a one-hour meditation guided by Rukhsana. It is donation only and the money goes to a battered women’s shelter.
During this week-long retreat, you will learn the basics of meditation and yoga, focusing on healing the self.
Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM) is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom of Indian. Primordial sounds – the basic, most essential sounds of nature – are used to disconnect us from the activity of life. They are individually selected sounds, known as mantras, based on the vibration the universe was making at the moment of your birth.
In this class, you are taught how to use food as medicine, since food is the building block for the physical body, using Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing science. Once your personal Dosha is determined (body-mind constitution), you are guided through the foods that work with and against your body. Included: Meditation, lecture, cooking class and tastings.
This class is all about learning to use Indian herbs and spices. In this three hour class, you will be able to blend earthy, fresh spices and create three mouth-watering dishes using Rukhsana’s very own Ghee and Masala Base.
You can visit Rukhsana’s Wellness Heavenly Retreat for an hour, a day, or a week but you may be tempted to never return to your busy, noisy, hectic life.
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